Quite some time I leave of my blog, have no idea with the title and I gave it a name, My Space. Had a long holiday at home during the Raya week, nothing special, but I really enjoy the peaceful with my family. Every I go back home, I can feel the different every time. Some special moment I like for my latest back to home are we go the opera for ghost festival. That is really special, that is about 5 years or more we didn’t go with whole family. Still remember when I was young, we always walk there from home, or go with bike, my father need to fetch us for few time one by one.
The night in the bus station to prepare go back to KL, the bus station was very crowed like I ever saw before. Our car cannot get inside, and so my parents leave me at road side and I walked in there. That is a temporary bus station, is dark in the midnight without any lamp post, cars and buses in and out. I knew that my parents won’t leave me like that, I knew they sure will park their car far away and walk back to the station. When I was in the bus and waiting for the bus to move, my father call me with this happy voice, asked me what is the plat number for the bus. I’m worry 2 of you, I scare you all fall down or any. Finally they able to find my bus and gave me a goodbye gesture outside the bus. This is not the first time, and not the last too, my tear almost falling, I feel like I don’t want to go back. Sorry and I love you all.
Most slanting part in the journey
At the top of the hill
Today, my ex WD colleagues and their team of friends went to Broga Hill, 45mins drives from PJ to there. A very happy and joyful trip with them, they are funny, making joke all the while. We took about 40mins to the top of the hill, just a distance before the top of the hill is very slanted, is between 60 to 70 degree incline from normal. All manage to do it, and reach the top at around 6.20am, saw the sunrise. I woke up at 3am, we departed at 4am, phew. After the hiking, we went to a temple nearby, and spent some time there, finally back to Jusco in Cheras for lunch and back. I enjoy that, do invite me next time if any activities, there are total 11 of us. Next trip is planned to Seremban in October.
Handsome and cool :P
Just receive my picture from my friend for Sabah trip, and together with the photo for last week in Tasik Perdana, another nice and peaceful trip, quite nice in the morning. Thank for bringing me around even it is short.
Pulau Manukan
Pond in Tasik Perdana