I am back, continue back the blog that I left it yesterday. I had forgotten where I stopped, just start with the life and the thing that I had encounter in this few weeks. Again, the KL trip, this KL trip had spent a lot of my money, only the transportation fare already cost me about 100 bucks. During the 3rd day of the trip, I had met my friend’s friend for some advises for career. Some of my friends wish to engage in banking industrial since the salary and benefits offer for fresh graduate is beautiful. Maybe these 4 years of study had bored up most of us regarding industrial life that we had to approach in it later on. Harsh work and OT seem become the hot words that we will think of it after all of us came back from industrial training last year. So, I lot of us has admire in the banking sector that can go back everyday at fix time. thank for the souvenir, cow baby
The friend of my friend is the victim that had affected by the economic crisis last year. Most of the engineers can only get the pay in the range of 1.5K to 1.8K in that period. This causes a lot of fresh buddy to engage banking sector since they can offer quite good pay until 2.8K for the time. He told us, the banking industrial is a non-return way for an engineer after you married it. You cannot take back the engineering sector after that and his advice is suggest my friends to first work in industrial and if found that that is not suitable, you can turn back as anytime and the door of banking is always open for engineering students. One thing that made me aware during the conversation is no matter how far you go, you will come back to the management arms. I fully agree with it.

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