23 years old, I know I am not a young boy anymore, slightly far out of the range of ages for a teenager (really slightly?), but sometimes I still acting like a child, immature enough when I facing with some problem.
, I had took several year from being doubt, depress until the stage of now, which is realize it and accept it. I need courage, this is just an opening and even I had fallen down, and of course, I cried, haha. I know I can do it, I am confident on that.

This year is my final year for my university life, soon I will graduate and plan to have a job in KL, actualize the promise that I promised, and hope that my family will support me, allow me to do and decide what kind of path I going to go through in the future. Papa and Mama, I know what I am doing, I will try my best to be your good son, hopefully bring some easy life for family soon after I graduated. I hope that I can be the person that didn’t stands on the shoulder of anyone or be somebody’s load, inversely, be more independent.
my mini usb fan, which i ''took" from my sister... wakakak.. it is not consider as a birthday gift o, you owe me
my green mouse, green solar power toy (birthday gift from friend) and my clock on my desk, i put them together with the mini usb fan
The wish for this year is almost same like previous year, that is everyone beside me stay healthy and happily, with this I think all of us can take and overcome all the challenges. Thank you for family and friends. Thank you for your wish and bless for my birthday and yr gift as well. I believe that all of that will bring me some extra luck, even though I know that I am lucky enough in real.
bless from friends... some of my uni friends said want to celebrate with me, now H1N1 all cepat lari already, Bank Islam and hotlink even better, got sent me a birthday message. you all bo sim
That day, I also join the annual concert from main campus, 游子吟. The show was nice, well done friends! Thank you for inviting me to join this concert and I can felt your passion from the start to the end in this 3 months of preparation. I will come and join you all if I got time next year.
like this shoot
closing ceremony, 2 out of 6 of the singers are my friends, Jien and Anna
bye bye, hopefully can see you all next year. Good job, friends.
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