Friday, December 12, 2008


2008年, 十大铃声,你到底用了哪一个呢??最近都好像没有在追换铃声了,可能老了吧。。赫赫。你也看看你自己到底有没有OUT JOR。以下是十大铃声,从第一到第十:) 。看来好像没有人看我的帖子哦,:( 自己先顶一下了。



周董一出馬便知有沒有!即使是下半年才出片的周杰倫,首波歌曲「稻香」也輕易拿下第三名,天王實力不容小覷。 (我的roommate好像也放这首的)

范逸臣真的是今年最首矚目的一匹黑馬,由他主演的「海角七號」因為受到影迷青睞,連帶讓主題曲也一起紅翻天! 谁有看过《海角七号》啊??好看吗??





情花開 情花開這首歌感覺讓人回到從前的年代,復古又有點趣味的曲調,加上俏皮的「無敵珊寶妹」偶像劇,簡直是絕妙搭配!
这里十首我自己应该听过五首吧,应该还不回太out kua... 其他的都没意见,第十首就真的是kanasai 咯,放这样的铃声应该会被我‘ 酸 ’吧。。=.='''
看我的帖子应该会头疼吧?一下繁体;一下简体。。赫赫,厉害啊,你应该猜到了吧,是copy and paste 的嘛。。malaysia 就是很会生产copy and paste 的学生啊,不会copy and paste 那你大学就惨了哦。赫赫。

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

All about DOTA

What is Dota??
a) a kind of food
b) a kind of game
I'm sure that some people will say that Dota is a kind of food, because I heard somebody give an answer that Dota is a kind of junk food. Of course, Dota is a kind of game. The objective of the scenario is to destroy the opponents' "Ancient". The two teams' ancients are heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled (artificial intelligence) fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their hero and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.

Dota characters, of course the character is modified to makes it looks cute ^^

Basically, heroes divided into 3 general types, there are intelligence heroes, agility heroes and strength heroes. Each hero has their own specific ability, strengths and weaknesses to support each others to own the match. Normally, the new map will release once in several months to fix some bugs and added new items or even new hero to enrich the joy of the players from time to time. We can easily download the latest map from and learn new strategies from .
We can play this game online through UCplay, Battlenet. Before that, you should create an account to enable you to sign in and play the game. You should follow the rules and be an ethical gamer in the game to prevent you to get ban by others. Play game also got rules??? Of course la… haha. I still remember that last time my sister came to my room and she asked me what I looking online, I answer looking for the match between Malaysia Vs China, then my sister wondered that is the badminton match between them. *.*"" but the fact is the Dota match between the players. See, how crazy they are for Dota.

very beautiful wallpaper about Dota, can set as the wallpaper for deskop for my computer.. hehe

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The first --- Malacca

My first encounter with the history of Malacca was in history class when I was in primary school. I still remember that during that time I can't even understand the meaning of “history”, and a lot of strangeness names which is too difficult for me to remember all of them… but luckily I still can score this subject even though I not understand it. My first visited to Malacca was in October 2008 for the purpose for industrial visit which organize by our school faculty for 2 factories, one is "The Armour Factory", which produces armour plate, assault vest, ballistic shields and other similar products to export to western countries. The second factory we visited is “ DK Composite” , of course this factory produces products with composite included swimming pool, dome for mosque, the body of yacht … … Damn boring visit.

My course mates and I at food court called ‘Newton’ located in Malacca.

Emm, then we plan to have a second trip to Malacca after our exam on the end of November, almost all of the Chinese students in my course join this trip. Most of us gathered at the bus station in Butterworth before we took the bus to there.

Malacca has been listed as a prominent World Heritage Site of UNESCO since July 2008. Today, while the historical elements are well preserved, it is also a vibrant city full of energy and fascination. Centuries of colonization by the Portuguese, Dutch, and the British as well as development of Straits Chinese culture have influenced the architecture of the town.

those who moving while taking photo you will get 'blur''... ... see, don't want listen to me la.

Actually still got a lot of things to share, but the photos I haven't receive from my friend yet, will get it and upload very soon. (sorry for any grammar mistakes ya !! )