Study hard, graduate, working, get your house and car,
marry, get your baby, retire and totally retire… this is the very common path
that most of the people think that this is the path that suppose we all need to
go through. However, for me, this is not necessary for the life to go like this;
it can be just anything to what you like to be, and where I want it to go. Some
people can stand strong at the point, and tell me I’m wrong, tell me I’m not in
the situation yet, I not know how important is the these mean to you and your
family. Maybe I will start to understand it, but definitely this is not now,
and they will say why you don’t prepare it for the raining day.
new bear from my badminton friends, birthday present
Work hard, sacrifice your time to support your family
and parents, this will never goes wrong, and I totally agree with it, but I wonder,
how many actually ask your what your family want, the think you think that it
suppose is their need, and you assume they need it. You maybe will tell me if
you ask them, they sure say no need. If you really think like this, then how
they going to express the ‘real’ no need?
with this too, together from them.. Thanks. Picture out of topic... :P
I may be wrong, and I’m not standing very strong in my
point, just if the sacrifices is worth and in the path is right, I will always
support you. Life can be simple for self if you are alone, but most of the time
we are not, included me. I love my parents.