Again new update for working, I think I had passed the transition period in this job already, and most of the simple thing I can understand and solve it by my own without need a lot of assistance by other prty. One thing that I still cannot handle is the meeting, I facing difficulties to chair the meeting, as I’m new in this new department too, what I can do now is only can do whatever that is controllable in my part, I hard to control the meeting as we know the meeting in WD is not a simple one. If the staff engineer in my team can perform as what he can, and if my manager can be more smart in handle the issue, haiz.
Someone is very busy for the moment, get sick quite often, because not have enough rest. This is not the first time, and if this is the first time, I still remember that this atmosphere can be quite suffering because you don’t even want to tell and share me the troubles. I know that I cannot help at your side, but I’m not your nobody, I hope you can tell and share, just like every time when I get lost and struggle, I single word from you will makes thing different in view. Is ok la, gambate ok?